Ballou Dental Arts Dentist Mission Viejo California

Kids Dental Cleaning and Examinations: Have them in Early and Often

If you are in need of kids dental cleaning and examinations, give us a call.  We help children from a very young age to develop healthy oral hygiene and the habits necessary to stay in excellent oral health as they age.  Education should begin early, and kids as young as one-year of age can begin to appreciate brushing their teeth.  It simply takes education, effort and consistency – three things that we can help you with.

At our office, we recommend that you bring your child in for teeth cleaning while they are still very young.  We can make sure that their teeth are growing in correctly and clean them in order to reduce their risk of developing cavities.  Tooth decay (cavities) is a significant problem.  In fact, it is so common that the CDC has labeled tooth decay as a leading infectious disease and a number one reason for kids missing school.  This is a problem and one that we can help to solve.  By simply cleaning our patient’s teeth, we can remove built up plaque and tartar that can cause these health problems.  Here is how it works:

*If we can perform kids dental cleaning and examinations, we can remove plaque and tartar early on and prevent the formation of cavities in the process.

Kids Dental Cleaning and Examinations Mission Viejo

Teeth cleaning appointments are relatively fast.  We can clean your child’s teeth in thirty minutes when we have to and this will give you plenty of time to get them back to school or to leave on your family road trip. Given how quickly we can complete a cleaning, there is no reason not to schedule one.  When you consider the health problems that a cleaning can prevent, it becomes even more important to come on in. We are confident that your experience will be positive when you do.

Schedule an appointment with our dentist office today.  We can clean your child’s teeth, examine them, and ensure that they are in excellent oral health today and that they will be twenty years from now. However, it all begins with regular cleanings and examinations.

Live in Mission Viejo, CA and have questions about kids dental cleaning and examinations? Give us a call at (949) 830-2355.


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